Intestinale Rehabilitation bei Kurzdarmsyndrom und chronischem Darmversagen

Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2019; 144(15): 1061-1066

Ulrich-Frank Pape, Sebastian Maasberg
DOI: 10.1055/a-0651-4481


Patients with severely orally decompensated malsaborption due to surgical rescetion suffer from short bowel syndrome (SBS). The resultant decrease in intestinal surface area after rescetion of parts of the intestines leads to chronic functional intestinal insufficiency or even complete failure (cIF) which requires parenteral fluid and nutrient restoration for establishment of metabolc stability. Since the introduction of glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-2 analogues such as teduglutide functional rehabilitation of the remaining gastrointestinal tract has become a causal treatment option. Teduglutide functionally and effectively enhances intestinal absorption of fluid as well micro- and macronutrients allowing a reduction of parenteral nutrition and/or volume with even complete weaning off in some patients. This results increased metabolic stability, oral autonomy, quality of life and putatively less complications.

Keywords: short bowel syndrome – chronic intestinal failure – parenteral support – intestinal rehabilitation – glucagon-like peptide-2

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